Encourage ⋅ Educate ⋅ Engage
Newsletter, April 2020
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Online Meeting Reminder: April 27
March Virtual Meeting
February Meeting Recap
Flash Fiction Contest - Second-Place Winner Joel Jackson - "New"
Cartoon - Jerry Weiss
Notes from the Editor
Newsletter, March 2020
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Online Meeting Reminder: April 27
March Virtual Meeting
February Meeting Recap
Flash Fiction Contest - Second-Place Winner Joel Jackson - "New"
Cartoon - Jerry Weiss
Notes from the Editor
Newsletter, February 2020
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Meeting Reminder: February 24 – "Enter Stage Right: Playwriting Basics" with David Douglas
January Meeting Recap
Flash Fiction Contest - Third-Place Winner
“And then Sir James swept Lorna into his arms and galloped off into the sunset…”
Newsletter, January 2020
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Meeting Reminder: January 27 – "Show What? Tell Who?" with Lori Freeland
December Meeting Recap of the Holiday Party
Flash Fiction Contest - Honorable Mention
Newsletter, December 2019
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Meeting Reminder: December 16 – Holiday Party
September Meeting Recap of “The Organized Writer” with Kathryn McClatchy
Jerry Weiss Cartoon
2020 New Year Schedule
Newsletter, November 2019
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Meeting Reminder: November 18 – “The Organized Writer” with Kathryn McClatchy
September Meeting Recap of “Tricks or Treats: Delivering on Your Story’s Promises” with Jaye Wells
Fall Workshop with Amanda Arista
2019 Kathryn McClatchy Flash Fiction Contest
Upcoming WGT Board Elections
Information on the 2019 Holiday Party
Newsletter, October 2019
Newsletter of the Writers Guild of Texas
President’s Column
Meeting Reminder: October 21 – “Tricks or Treats: Delivering on Your Story’s Promises” with Jaye Wells
September Meeting Recap of “Strong Female Characters” with Melissa Lenhardt
Fall Workshop with Amanda Arista
2019 Kathryn McClatchy Flash Fiction Contest
Critique Group Highlight
WGT 2020 Membership Announcement
Jerry Weiss Cartoon
Upcoming WGT Board Elections
Committee for the 2019 Holiday Party
Community Event: Purple Playbill Festival