Beginning in 2015, the Writers Guild of Texas (WGT) began hosting an annual Flash Fiction contest. If you are unfamiliar with flash fiction, check out Flash Fiction Online and Flash Fiction FAQs on Writer's Digest.
Only current WGT members may enter the contest. (Not a member? Join now.)
A $35 fee for non-members grants membership and entry into the contest.
Submissions must be original works that have not been previously published online or in print.
Word count must be between 300–1,000 words.
Even though they are short short stories, flash fiction must still include character development, plot, setting, theme, and conflict.
No poetry, essays, fan fiction, erotica, porn, graphic sex, or gratuitous violence will be accepted.
If the entry does not fall under a PG-13/TV-14 rating, do not submit it.
Co-Authored/Collaborative Entries:
A contest entry may have multiple authors, but co-authors must be WGT members.
A co-authored entry counts as one submission for each author.
Submission fees:
WGT members may submit one entry at no cost.
Additional submissions cost $15 per entry.
Individuals may submit a maximum of three (3) entries.
No simultaneous submissions will be accepted. Each entry must be submitted in a separate, individual email.
An author can win only one (1) award/prize per contest.
Furthermore, an author cannot win multiple awards/prizes by submitting both a co-authored entry and an individual entry. Only the highest-ranking entry—whether written solely or with collaborators—is eligible to win an award/prize.
The WGT board reserves the right to reject a submission if it violates copyright or fails to meet contest rules.
one-inch margins; double-spaced; 12-point Times New Roman font;
title and page number must be in the upper right-hand header;
author name must NOT be on any story page.
story document should be sent as an email attachment in .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf format, and the email body must include: author's name, story title, and total word count.
Opening – The story immediately engages the reader's attention. The tone, setting, and point of view are quickly established.
Characterization – The characters are well-defined, exhibit believable motivation, and are distinct from one another.
Style – The point of view and verb tense are clear and consistent. The narrative flows smoothly with precise, engaging language and more often "shows" rather than "tells."
Mechanics – The story has almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
Plot – The story is original and progresses logically with a definitive beginning, middle, and end.
Conflict – The conflict — whether "man versus nature," "man versus man," or "internal" — is easily identified, pressing, and imperative to the plot.
Resolution – Tension mounts throughout the story, resulting in a climax that is followed by a satisfying resolution.
Impression – The story is emotionally or intellectually engaging. The story and characters are memorable and will leave a lasting impression.
Winners will be announced, and prizes awarded at the WGT Holiday Party in December. If you are unable to attend, you will be notified after the party.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top four stories:
1st Place: $150;
2nd Place: $100;
3rd Place: $50;
Honorable Mention: $25.
All four winning stories will be published in January on the WGT website.
The 2024 contest opens for entries on Sunday, September 1st. No early entries will be accepted.
Stories must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. No late entries will be accepted.
Be sure you have read all of the above guidelines.
If applicable, use the button below to pay your entry fee(s), and be sure to include your *order number* in your submission email.
Email submissions to: WGTcontest@gmail.com
You will receive confirmation of receipt, usually within 48 hours.
Contest Winners
1. The Faceless Man by BJ Condike
2. Rescue Out of This World by Alice Wooten
3. A Love Story by Jimmie Kepler
HM. Song of the Siren by Tiffany Seitz
1. "Extenuating" by B.J. Condike
2. "Bjorn Was Here" by Tiffany Seitz
3. "Teasure Island" by Yasmin Waring
HM. "Hike Through the Woods" by Ed Wooten
1. "A Woman Who Doesn't Smile" by Gary Christenson
2. "Monster at 35,000 Feet" by Scott Taylor
3. "The Treasure" by Andre King
HM. "Game Forecast" by Steve McCluer
1. "The Cape" by Tiffany Seitz
2. "Lost in the Stacks" by JoAnne Turner
3. "Wise Counsel" by Rhonda Black
HM. "Within the Dark" by Steve McCluer
1. "Leaving" by David Galewsky
2. "New" by Joel Jackson
3. "A Dragon’s Hoard" by JoAnne Turner
HM. "My Summer Job" by Brenda Guyton
1. “Any Dang Fool” by Brian Condike
2. “The Bridge” by Sabrina Chapman
3. “A Purple Lizard” by Mary Lou Condike
HM. “Handcuffs” by Mary Lou Condike
1. "Spin Me, Charlie" by Leah Hinton
2. "A Dark Fog" by Leah Hinton
3. "Goldie" by Sabrina Chapman
HM. "Tiny Steps" by Steve McCluer
1. "The Visiting Professor" by Deborah Bean
2. "Blue" by Leah Hinton
3. "Everything Changes" by Edgar Collie
HM. "Dream Game" by Seth Eckholm
1. "Collective Responsibility" by Monalisa Foster
2. "The Bruised Banana" by David Douglas
3. "Sailor's Tale" by Andre King
HM. "Always Something" by Scott Bell