Newsletter, August 2022
WGT Newsletter, August 2022
Message from the President
Hello writers,
I have several announcements this month...
First, our next meeting is TOMORROW (Monday, August 15th). Daniel Wells will be speaking to us about Stages of Development, an easy-to-navigate, five-stage blueprint for beginning—and completing—a creative work of writing. This all came together last-minute (which is why the newsletter is also late), because our originally scheduled speaker fell through. When Tamara (our excellent Program Director) couldn't find a quick replacement, I had two individuals in mind, and I contacted Daniel first. Thankfully, he was eager and able to volunteer right away, and I look forward to his presentation! Full information will be posted in the section below, but you can register here to attend via Zoom or just show up tomorrow at the Richardson Library.
Second, it's (almost) that time of year again! It's time to launch our 2022 Kathryn McClatchy Flash Fiction Contest! The contest will open for entries on Thursday, September 1st, and the deadline will be Tuesday, October 25. We've made a few changes to the rules this year, so please review them carefully before submitting. One rule addition that I proposed, which was approved by the Board, is to accept co-authored/collaborative flash fiction entries. A few years ago, when I ran stage play competitions/festivals, I consistently received short plays written by more than one playwright. Many of which advanced and were performed in the festival. So, I'm happy to see that option available for the WGT contest!
Now's also the time of year to begin thinking about WGT Board nominations. As of now, we'll have at least three Board openings for 2023.
Vice President.
I have no desire to serve as President for four years, instead I plan to serve for two. Meaning: My term as President will end in December 2023. So, we need someone to come aboard next year to learn the ins and outs of running WGT, so that person can take over for me in 2024.
If you're interested in the role of Vice President, talk to me at the meeting or contact us.
Official Vice President description: Assists the President; exercises the powers of the president during that officer's absence.Secretary and Membership Director.
Currently JoAnne Turner serves as both WGT Secretary and Membership Director, but per the term-limit in the ByLaws, she must leave the Board at the end of this year. JoAnne has been doing a fabulous job in both roles, but hopefully, we can split these duties amongst two people next year. If you are interested in either of these roles, please talk to a Board member at a meeting or contact us.
Official Secretary description: Maintains a written record of all formal actions and votes of the General Membership; keeps the minutes of the Board meetings.
Official Membership Director description: Maintains the membership list in good order; welcomes new members and welcomes back renewing members; campaigns to educate members and guests on membership, especially during the last quarter of the year; maintains and promotes the members-only discord.
Lastly, here are some upcoming local writer events that some of you may be interested in attending...
Writers in the Field returns to Mansfield, TX on October 8-9!
DFWCon returns to the Hurst Conference Center on (also!) October 8-9!
David T Douglas
President, Writers Guild of Texas
Next Meeting: August 15th
Development and You! From Four Development Stages to Hundreds of Pages
with Daniel Wells
Completing a work of writing, a novel, or a screenplay can be a challenge!
That's why Daniel created the Stages of Development - an easy-to-navigate, five-stage blueprint for beginning—and completing—a creative work of writing.
In this workshop, we'll cover these stages in-depth, and give attendees the chance to troubleshoot their ideas and/or their work-in-progress!
JOIN US: Monday, August 15th @ 7pm
In-person: Richardson Library (basement program room)
Online: Zoom, but you must register for the link.
Daniel Wells is a writer of screenplays and historical fiction, a script consultant, and the founder/lecturer of DFW Writers Room: For Television and Film.
As the Development Executive for Dallas Filmmakers Alliance, Daniel leads workshops and takes writers through the development process for film, over a dozen of which went into production and screened in DFW. Daniel’s spoken on panels and presented workshops with The Writers Guild of Texas, Romance Writers of America, and Dallas Screenwriters Association, and wrote/produced Lily is Here, a feature-length drama with Carpe Diem Pictures that screened January, 2020, and was distributed in 2021.
Critique Group Meeting
Wednesday, August 17th @ 7pm
(In-Person Only)
led by Anthony Lucchi
The Writers Guild of Texas organizes a critique group session on the 3rd Wednesday of each month in the Basement program room of the Richardson Public Library. By sharing their work with peers, writers obtain valuable, constructive feedback and, in turn, provide the same to others.
Sign-in and writerly banter begin at 6:45pm, and critiquing begins promptly at 7:00pm. Each read/critique will be timed, allowing everyone a turn. If time allows at the end, the critique group leader may guide attendees through some writing exercises.
Attendees, please bring at least five copies of your work-in-progress, which should be no longer than 3500 words. Visitors are welcome to attend!
JOIN US: Wednesday, August 17th @ 7pm
In-person: Richardson Library (basement program room)
Weiss Cracking
Monthly illustrations are courtesy of Jerry Weiss, former WGT President.